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Company profile


    Established in September 2003. Dongguan Dongyun Machinery Making Co,.Ltd. is Sino-HongKong joint  venture enterprise. It is the largest manufacture, which is specialized in developing and making gravure equipment in China. We always insist on a principle that "quality, R&D, market, ".and got a high reputation in the market.

    Dongguan Dongyun machinery Laser branch company is a laser cylinder making equipments supplier. Our company is an integrated high-tech enterprise which includes the  research, development, production, and holding the self-owned brand. The main products such as: Laser exposure machine, Ring coating machine ,Spray coating machine, Etching machine, Sand blasting machine, Brush polish machine, Washing machine, Leather proof machine ,Electric engraver and etc. We have powerful technician who have lots of experience in mechanical, laser, electronic, software and relevant skills in different field. Our company build Institute of doctoral R&D integrated with South China University of technology which to be reinforcement and consolidation the Mechanical & Electrical Integration technology theory and research and development. Our products have sold to more than 20 countries and areas,  and obtains the customer’s consistent and high praise and the approval. Especially the laser exposure machine quality has been as well as the importing equipment.

Online Chat:


Email: dymmc#vip.163.com,#換為“@”

Address:Dongyun Industrial Park, Changping, Dongguan, Guangdong, China.

Established in March 2001. Dongguan Dongyun Machinery Making Co,.Ltd. is Sino-HongKong joint venture enterprise. It is the largest manufacture, which is specialized in developing and making gravure equipment in China. We always insist on a principle that "quality, R&D, market, ".and got a high reputation in the market.

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